Saturday, March 6, 2010

For My Dearest Renee

"Speak No Evil"
Pen & Ink, 10" x 10"

I made her promise to say goodbye when she leaves but it might be a little too late for that. And I don't know what to say right now but this little prayer in my heart that she'll make her journey home safely. I already miss her.

Part of the three-artwork series, Wise Monkeys, I dedicate this piece to my beloved Renee. She cursed a lot!:)


  1. Yes, she did curse a lot, didn't she? Yet I love everything about her. I love her very much. She loved your cake outfit last year. We had so much fun!

  2. Just when I think I've regained composure, you send me into tears again.

  3. Wonderful illustration. As usual, I'm awed by the detail! Why did Renee have to go? I think she should have stayed longer! Hope your week is off to a lovely start :)

  4. Beautiful - Rennee will be so missed.

  5. I must say that this is a great post. I loved reading it. You have done a great job

  6. It is so beautiful and such a wonderful tribute to her! You're right, we will all miss her! Your work is so wonderful!

  7. Okay, I know this is a solemn illustration and post but COME OUT already. We also want and need you! Come out dang it! I will go down south and overcome all my prejudices and fears and draw a smiley face on one of your drawings when you are not looking!

  8. I miss her horribly. I just got back from China to find her gone. There are no words. Beautiful image, I know she would have loved it.

  9. And now Renee brings more joy by somehow bringing your art to someone who has never seen it before.
    She is with us.
